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How Does It Work?

In the mouth, repair work is constantly going on.  Many foods damage the mouth lining.  For instance, when eating
potato chips the sharp pieces make microscopic cuts in the mouth.  The salt granules make small scratches.  Also,
strong acids, such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), can damage the mouth.  Normally the body is able to repair this
damage.  When the body does not have all the materials it needs to fix the damage, then a canker sore develops.

Canker Cure supplies micronutrients which the body is lacking.  This enables the lining of the mouth to repair and
maintain itself.

How safe is it? Canker Cure is probably safer than the glass of water used to wash down the pills.  Nearly all
medicines, including the so-called natural ones, are made of chemicals which are foreign to the human body.  Thus they have side-effects.  Canker Cure is totally different.  Its active ingredients are normally found in the body in small amounts.   Our product simply adjusts the amounts of these micronutrients to enable the lining of the mouth to heal itself.  Therefore Canker Cure has no harmful side-effects.

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