Canker Cure
For Medical Professionals
Canker Cure is a systemic, non-steroidal treatment for oral aphthous ulcers. It is important not to prescribe steroids for treatment of this disorder. Steroidal medications generally produce a rebound effect, even when the patient is weaned off them, when used in treatment of this ailment. Canker Cure does not produce rebound effect since it does not suppress adrenal production of cortisol.
Oral aphthous ulcers are a hereditary disease which is totally distinct from the herpes virus which causes blisters outside the mouth commonly referred to as cold sores. While the herpes virus can occasionally migrate to the inside of the mouth, canker sores (oral aphthous ulcers) cannot migrate outside the mouth. To differentiate between the two conditions inside the mouth, herpes virus generally presents as small blisters (1-2 mm) and relatively painless, and often in small clusters. Canker sores are generally somewhat larger (2-7 mm), white, flat or crater shaped, and not in small clusters. While antivirals may help herpes outbreaks, they are of no use whatsoever in the treatment of canker sores. In the same manner, Canker Cure is not advised for treatment of herpes infection. It should also be noted that while a patient may present with canker sores in the mouth simultaneously with cold sores (herpes virus) outside the mouth, these are two distinct diseases, and need two distinct treatments.
The main indicator of canker sores is the intense pain which accompanies them. This pain can become so intense the patient may stop eating for days and it is common for the person to be unable to sleep due to the pain.
It must also be noted: patients who present with an ulcer in the mouth (often on the gums) may not have a canker sore. A patient who has not inherited the gene for canker sores (aphthous ulcers) cannot ever have the sores. However it is possible for such a person to have a common ulcer, usually on the gums. This common ulcer is differentiated from a canker sore (aphthous ulcer) by two main criteria: first, the common ulcer will have only minor pain, while a canker sore will usually present extreme pain. Second, the common mouth ulcer will normally heal within 2-3 days, while a canker sore (without treatment) commonly lasts for 12-14 days on average.
The time interval between outbreaks can vary widely from person to person. The time span may be years between outbreaks for some people, while others may have almost continual outbreaks with a second outbreak starting before the first has healed. These people with continual outbreaks benefit greatly from an every day maintenance dose of Canker Cure. Patients who rarely have outbreaks are advised to keep the product on hand and wait until they feel an outbreak starting, then take a large dose immediately (preferably within an hour). A large dose is defined as 3x the "Basic Dose" listed on the bottle label (which is dosed according to the patient's weight).
For pictures of canker sores please see our Q & A page.
While Canker Cure was developed for treatment of minor aphthous ulcers, which are usually 2-7mm and by far the most common form of canker sores, a small minority of patients (less than 1% of canker sore patients) present with major aphthous ulcers, which appear similar to minor aphthous ulcers except larger in size. These range in size from 10-25mm with unconfirmed reports of up to 30mm. Major aphthous ulcers are a distinctly different disease from minor aphthous ulcers and there is a lack of information about the disease due to its rarity. Canker Cure has been tested on major aphthous ulcers with mixed results although it is nearly 100% effective when used to treat minor aphthous ulcers (canker sores).
It should also be noted Canker Cure is superior to prescription products such as Debacterol. Debacterol contains sulfuric acid (also known as battery acid) and creosote (formerly used as an insecticide on utility poles until it was banned by the EPA for being unsafe). Debacterol works by being topically applied to each canker sore where it kills the nerves beneath the sore. In the act of doing this it causes extreme pain to the patient. Stop and consider that when Debacterol is being used the patient is being exposed to battery acid and an insecticide which has been banned as unsafe for casual human contact, and it is causing extreme pain. The ingredients of Canker Cure, on the other hand, have all been approved by the FDA for use in food products. And Canker Cure is 100% painless to use.